Philosophy of Prevention
The science
The verdict is in. The nation’s brightest minds in child psychology, family dynamics, criminal justice, social work and even economics have come to the same conclusion: It is far more effective and less expensive to prevent a child from entering the welfare or criminal justice system than it is to try to pull an adult out.

Supporting parents to nurture their children from birth can help optimize brain function, increase resilience and avoid behavioral problems down the road.
Adverse childhood experiences
Adverse childhood experiences are one of the most accurate predictors of future problems. Children who are exposed to abuse, neglect, poverty, criminal acts and other traumatic stressors are at a far greater risk for substance abuse, depression, chronic diseases, violence and risky behaviors. What’s more, the compounding effect of adverse childhood experiences increases the child’s risk with each exposure. Preventing ACEs for children at the highest risk can help avoid these dangerous and costly outcomes.
Reducing the risk
At Nebraska Children and Families Foundation, we invest in children from birth to young adulthood with initiatives that are focused on preventing multiple adverse childhood experiences. By working with our community partners to understand the risks facing children at every stage of their development, we can identify the most effective avenues to create positive change.