Growing Community Connections Meeting and Luncheon
Followed by a luncheon at the South Sioux City Marriott Riverfront (Highlands Room) - 385 E 4th St
Please join us for this Growing Community Connections (GCC) meeting, it will be an outstanding opportunity to celebrate the collaborative spirit in our community. We need you there!
Growing Community Connections believes that a strong community partnership is the key to safe, healthy, and successful lives for ALL people in Siouxland. That’s why GCC is committed to raising awareness, improving access to resources, and building relationships – and it needs your help.
Growing Community Connections is a partner in Bring Up Nebraska statewide prevention initiative. Join us – with special guests Nebraska’s First Lady Susanne Shore and Lance Morgan (President and CEO of Ho-Chunk, Inc.) and member of Casey Family Programs Board of Trustees – to learn more about the need for prevention, the importance of community-led efforts, and how we can all play a role in making our communities a better place for families. We will also celebrate that Bring Up Nebraska was recognized with the 2020 Jim Casey Building Communities of Hope award.