Parents Building Resiliency in Uncertain Times
Join us on June 23rd 7:00-8:30 pm CST for a Parent Talk with Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg focused on building resilience in children, teens, and young adults during uncertain times.
This Parent Talk is open to all parents, of any age or stage of parenting, in Nebraska. Please REGISTER at the link below by June 22. Following your registration, you will receive a link via the email provided to join the Zoom webinar.
Please share this invitation with parents in your network and feel free to share on your social media platform.
Information about Dr. Ginsburg can be found here and please visit the Center for Parent & Teen Communication (co-founded by Dr. Ginsburg) to access all types of resources and tools.
This event is supported by Award No. AH-SP1-18-001 from the Office of Population Affairs (OPA). Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of OPA or HHS.