Healthy Families, Strong Communities: A look at the well-being of Nebraskans statewide (State Senators)
On Wednesday, December 7, advocates, policymakers, and service providers will come together to discuss how Nebraskans are doing in this economy. We’ll explore data and economic trends contributing to rural and urban well-being and how we can all work towards positive outcomes for all Nebraskans to thrive.
Presentations include:
• Region-by-Region: A look at the data indicating economic well-being of Nebraskans pre-pandemic compared to now
• Community Well-Being: Nebraska’s prevention system + how it works in action
• Food Security: Innovations + needs across the state
• Hidden Poverty: How poverty impacts Nebraska’s rural and urban communities differently
• Public / Private Partnerships: Models for working together to meet the needs of Nebraskans
• State of Our Children: Meeting the needs of Nebraska’s children today and into the future