Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 200
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508






Preschool Development Grant

Collaborating Partners and Programs

In implementing the Preschool Development Grant, a number of partners have collaborated to produce the assessments, materials, processes, and services made available to Early Childhood Education and Care providers and Nebraska Families, including:

Nebraska Children and Families Foundation

Our mission is to create positive change for Nebraska's children through community engagement. Visit us.

  • The Communities for Kids (C4K) initiative was created in response to community requests for assistance with shortages of high-quality early care and education programs.

  • Our mission is to make transformative family engagement a reality in every school or program through simple to use tools and support.

First Five Nebraska

First Five Nebraska works to create effective early childhood policies while promoting high-quality, accountable early childhood programs and effective outcomes for children at risk of failing in school. Visit us.

  • Learning Begins at Birth contains important information for families as they work to ensure their children have a strong foundation in their early years to help them thrive throughout their lives.

  • The primary goal of the task force is to eliminate categorical barriers to offering full-day, year-round, high-quality affordable early childhood care and education for children 0-5 and their families, regardless of the setting.

Nebraska Department of Education-Office of Early Childhood Education

Activities of the Office of Early Childhood include the development and implementation of policy, data collection and evaluation, leadership for systems development of early childhood initiatives, and collaboration among programs and agencies. Visit us.

  • Our goal is to improve early childhood care and education quality and reduce staff turnover by providing coach training, reflective practice, and technical assistance. .

  • High-quality early childhood programs can have a lifelong, positive impact on young children and their families. Step Up to Quality helps early child care providers and educators recognize and improve quality.

  • Our goal is to connect, integrate, secure, maintain, store, and report information from a variety of early childhood programs and services by answering key questions about publicly funded early childhood services, providing greater accountability for public investments in services for young children, and informing future investments in early care and education.

  • The mission of the Nebraska Association of Elementary School Principals is to provide leadership and support to elementary and middle level principals through the development, maintenance, and implementation of policies and practices which enhance the quality of education provided to the elementary and middle level youth of Nebraska.

Nebraska Early Childhood Collaborative

NECC operates as the central hub of a shared services network composed of early childhood organizational partners and other industry leaders.  Visit us.

Learn more about NECCs early childhood initiatives.

  • All Our Kin builds high-quality, sustainable family child care programs, giving our youngest and most vulnerable children the quality learning experiences that they need and deserve.

  • The pilot uses shared services principles to increase high-quality early learning opportunities by providing coordinated application, eligibility, and enrollment for three high-quality early learning centers serving at-risk infants and toddlers through an Early Head Start-Child Care partnership.

  • The Wonderschool platform helps providers set their rates, market their program, bill and collect, and communicate with parents.

Register for NECC's 10-week business training series here.

Buffett Early Childhood Institute

An innovative research, practice, and policy institute of the University of Nebraska. We harness the multidisciplinary resources of all four campuses of the university to promote the development and learning of children from birth through age 8. Our efforts are focused especially on children who are vulnerable because of poverty, abuse, or developmental delays. Visit us.

  • The Needs Assessment team maintains an ongoing process of collecting information to better understand and address the needs and gaps in Nebraska's birth to five systems.

  • The overarching vision of the Nebraska Early Childhood Strategic Plan is to provide all Nebraska children and their families with access to quality early childhood care and education and other essential services that support children’s healthy development from birth through age 8.

  • Our aim is to support public awareness efforts that center on educating parents and families about quality childcare and education programs and services --in ways that are accessible, digitally driven, culturally and linguistically appropriate, and responsive to how today’s parents receive information and make decisions.

  • Our goal is to develop and implement an infrastructure to support continued collaboration and communication across sectors and to build on existing relationships and efforts statewide to fulfill the vision of elevating early childhood professionals to a priority profession.

  • The Performance evaluation is designed to implement processes for data-sharing and track evaluation results to update the research base on the programs being implemented through the grant. It will will include information that details how states will leverage data to examine the implementation, outputs, and costs of strategic plan activities and support continuous quality improvement.

  • Transition Committee

    A project aimed at increasing parent and provider understanding of transition processes, strengthening collaboration among ECCE providers and public schools, building knowledge among professionals in ECCE and schools, and aligning standards and curricula.

University of Nebraska – Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools

An interdisciplinary research center in the College of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The center conducts, supports, and shares research in following areas: Academic Intervention & Learning; Early Education & Development; Psychosocial Development & Social-Emotional Learning; Research & Evaluation Methods; and Rural Education & Communities. Visit us.

  • An evidence-based initiative focused on interaction among children, their families, and early childhood professionals to promote parent-child interaction and parent-professional partnerships. Getting Ready promotes kindergarten transition by helping parents become more confident in working with educational systems.

Childrens Hospital and Medical Center – Center for the Child & Community

The mission of the Center is to empower and support the health, safety, and wellbeing of every child. This ties directly to Children’s overall mission to improve the life of every child — through dedication to exceptional clinical care, research, education, and advocacy. Visit us.

  • Designed to link expectant mothers and children 0-5 with essential health, developmental, and social-emotional services.

University of Nebraska – Center on Children, Families and the Law

Provides an interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to improve systems and outcomes for children and Families. Visit us.

  • A resource for the early childhood care and education workforce, developing the supports and building the reflective capacity needed to be successful in an emotionally intrusive field.

University of Nebraska – Extension

The Learning Child at the University of Nebraska provides affordable, research-based, educational programs, and resources. The goal of TLC is to empower all adults who care for young children by providing high-quality professional development and resources that sets the stage for lifelong learning, discovery, and success. Visit us.

  • Created by University of Nebraska Extension to support and enhance the well-being of early childhood educators. The program provides education and guidance on how to incorporate mindfulness and reflective practice into daily routines, teaching and caregiving.

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215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 200
Lincoln, Nebraska 68508

Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

© Nebraska Children and Families Foundation 2025

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