Dakota Staggs

Dakota Staggs first began his affiliation with Beyond School Bells as a mentor in 2018’s Conservation Management Summer Internship and has continued after school environmental programming consultant ever since. He has a passion for sustainability and the conservation of natural resources and natural spaces across Nebraska. Although originally from Phoenix, Arizona, he has maternal roots in Cozad, Nebraska that create a sense of home in the Good Life state.
He comes to the team with a bachelor's in Environmental Studies and a master's in Natural Resource Sciences, both from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He served as a graduate research assistant to the Nebraska Water Leaders Academy from August 2018 to May 2020 working with natural resource leaders from across the state to understand community leadership and capacity to address challenges as they relate to water and other natural resources.
Having developed his own appreciation for the Great Plains, Dakota seeks to provide Nebraska youth with environmental / outdoor opportunities. In addition to BSB’s environmental / outdoor education, Dakota will be supporting BSB CARES Act program implementation.