Dr. Joshua Cramer

Dr. Joshua Cramer has spent more than 20 years working in Nebraska and nationally in non-profit and public school administration roles including his current position as Senior Vice President at the Nebraska Children and Families Foundation. Significant Nebraska and national leadership experiences include design and supervision of: family engagement and family literacy programs, early childhood education, English Language Learner education, before and after school programs, high school reform efforts, school-community partnerships, volunteer management, youth mentoring and development, federal education and social safety net policy, national corporate partnerships, U.S Department of Education-funded programs—including all title programs of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and various competitive grant programs, and programs funded through the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Corporation for National and Community Service, and Department of Health and Human Services. In each case, Dr. Cramer worked with internal and external evaluation staff to insure successful program implementation and continuous improvement. He has significant experiences writing competitive federal, state, and private grants and managing philanthropic partnerships. Dr. Cramer holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, a Master of Arts in Education Curriculum and Instruction from Doane University, and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Higher Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.