Kathy Stokes

Since coming to Nebraska Children in 2007, Kathy has provided leadership for Prevent Child Abuse Nebraska, administrative support for the Nebraska Child Abuse Prevention Fund Board, and training and technical support for community grantees. Over the past 25 years, Kathy has worked to improve outcomes for vulnerable families and children in a wide variety of areas, including home visitation, parent support and education, and community development. She has served in diverse capacities for the design and implementation of many new programs through the Administration for Children Youth and Families, HUD, and Head Start. Prior to her current position, she directed a nationally recognized collaboration for community change and child abuse prevention through the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Duke Charitable Foundation and OJJDP. Other prior experience includes development of programming for public television and teaching at the University of Nebraska -- Lincoln. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska -- Lincoln and a Master’s Degree from Simmons College in Boston. She has two sons.