Mona Tarin

Mona Tarin has worked with families and children the last 20 years. She began her journey by working with Infant and Toddlers through Early Head Start. Mona learned a lot of things about brain development and the importance of attachment. She made a move to work with families whose children were in the foster care system. Mona was most recently the Youth Advisor for the Southwest location and is now the director of Camp Catch-Up, Nebraska Children's summer camp to reconnect siblings separated by foster care or guardianship. Mona is married to her husband David and have two children, Michael and Adrianna and granddaughter, Nyla. She is really passionate about helping people and mentoring youth, Mona's Motto: I WANT TO INSPIRE PEOPLE. I WANT SOMEONE TO LOOK AT ME AND SAY “BECAUSE OF YOU I DIDN’T GIVE UP”