Tyson Wessels

Tyson Wessels joined Nebraska Children in May 2023. He has spent 10 years working in Early Childhood Education and serves Sixpence programs across Nebraska. Tyson was born and raised in Weeping Water, Nebraska and is a proud graduate of Peru State College, and still resides in Peru with his wife Katy. Tyson most recently served as Program Director in Auburn for Auburn Sixpence and Childcare Partnerships, as well as coordinated Communities for Kids efforts and directed the K-5 afterschool program.
As a resource to Nebraska’s Sixpence programs, Tyson aims to provide guidance and leadership to prepare communities for successful implementation of programs and training, and to promote early childhood resources in each community. To be an effective advocate for communities across Nebraska, Tyson draws from his past experiences as an elementary teacher, social worker, childcare director, home visitor and Sixpence program director.
Tyson’s dedication to working with communities comes from his passion for serving families and children and recognizing the critical need to build relationships between communities and caregivers.